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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-05-13 - 13:48

A Ninety-Eight Isn�t *That* Bad...


So... the highest possible score that I could have gotten on my finance exam today is a 98... if I get full credit for everything that I wrote down... which isn�t bad...

Until you realize there are 120 points on the exam.


Yeah... it�s bad when you look at an exam and have no recollection of ever even looking at the material they�re questioning you on.

And... you know that it�s bad when you actually write this on an exam...

�So... I could sit here and BS and come up with an answer. However, I believe that it�s just a waste of my time and energy to do it. Not to mention the time and effort it will take for you to read through my BS, only to mark it all wrong.�

It�s bad enough when you write this for a two-point question.

But, it�s really bad when you write it for a four-point question.

And a six-point question.

And a ten-point question.

Is it too late to offer the TAs sexual favors?


Ok. Onto writing papers and packing to get the hell outta this hell hole!

later, kids...


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