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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-05-08 - 20:55

Background Noise

So... it�s the middle of finals hell...

And I have a lot to talk about from the past few days since Slope Day...

But... I just don�t have the energy to get all of that out, right now.


Anywho... I took a law exam, today.

It wasn�t quite as bad as the others have been... I only typed 10 pages in the three-hour time limit.


So... naturally, Rachel and I decided that it was time to reward ourselves for completing such a task...

We did this by driving 45 minutes to go to a chain restaurant.

Now... on the way back, we were talking about a lot of random stuff...

And all of a sudden, Rachel�s cell phone goes off.

It�s her friend Aldo.

Aldo�s all... "Why are you calling me?"

Rachel � "Calling you? What are you talking about... my phone has been in my purse..." with the keys unlocked, of course...

Aldo � "Because your cell phone number showed up on my phone... and all I heard was you and some guy talking about blowjobs and stuff."


So... I mean... I know that Rachel and I talk about a lot of really random, sometime raunchy stuff... and I know that sometimes I think it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall while we�re chatting about random stuff...

But as Aldo so tactfully put it... "What if you had called your mother?!"

Basically... the lesson of the day...

Always lock the keys on your cell phone.

Speaking of raunchiness...

Rachel and I talk at least six times a day... so... when we don�t... it�s really bizarre.

Now, earlier this week, Rachel had ditched me for lunch.

Then, she ditched me for dinner.

She hadn�t called me at all... and I was all confused... so... after a few cocktails, I decided to call her, again.

So... she was watching a movie with Stef and Chris.

But... she didn�t want to tell me what kind of movie...

So... I decided to venture on over.

I walk into the room... and I look at the TV screen.

There�s a tan woman, with big breasts bouncing around, as she�s lying on a desk and getting fucked hardcore by some ugly dude.

Oh. Can�t forget to mention the black high heels.

Good good. Hardcore porn.

Now... I just sit and watch in amazement... and amusement.

Ok. So... watching a porn with friends... not a biggie.


What about purchasing them?

Or... better yet...

What about the two roommates fighting over who gets to watch it alone, next?

Now, I can understand buying your favorite movie to watch over and over, again. I mean... I love Bring It On and those other cheesy movies...

But... hardcore porn?

I mean... really... who just pops in porn as background noise while doing work?

Well... let�s put it this way...

If that�s what you�re into... try buzzing on Stef & Rachel�s apartments.

(PS � I love you guys!)

Anywho... I promise to fill y�all in on Slope Day and the events that have ensued in the past few days...

Sooner or later...

later, kids...


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