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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-05-03 - 09:06

What in the hell is Slope Day?

It�s 9am and I�ve already started drinking.

This can only mean one thing.


For those of you non-Cornellians, let me attempt to explain...

Traditionally, on the final day of classes, approximately 10,000 people gather on the side of the big hill that our University is built on...

And they all get stupid crazy drunk off their asses.

Anywho... look for updates on my away message (Dameon8888) to find out where I am.

Or... call my cell phone! (407.873.3060)

Today�s gonna be all about drunk dialing!

Well... off to get my drink on! I have a liter of Absolut Mandarin and a few other bottles which promise for a grrrrreat Slope Day! (Special thanks to Cece!)


later, kids...


ps � this entry will be gone once all of the alcohol wears off... :)

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