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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-04-26 - 10:07

It Was Only One Drink...

So... you know how people will tell you things... and you, just, like... ignore them?

Like... someone gives you a warning about why you shouldn�t date someone... and then you do it anyhow... and then you get hurt and/or pissed off... and then you realize that you should have just listened to your friend in the first place?

Well... while I have tons and tons of instances like that... we�re going to talk about something else... that�s just like this... but... like... different.


So... the other night, I made dinner for Rach and Stef...

Which was good...

And I had a drink with dinner... not a biggie, right...?

Too bad it didn�t occur to me that I was on antibiotics until *after* I was about half-way done with my drink.

So... I ask Stef... �What happens when you drink while you�re on antibiotics?�

She said something to the effect that it might kill me and that it was just generally a bad idea.

But... of course... I know my body better than anyone else... I mean... like doctors know anything...

So I finished my drink.


So... about 10 minutes after dinner... I became very... well... somber.

And I came home around 8pm... and before I knew it... it was 11:30pm... and my cell phone was ringing.

I had totally passed out in a dress shirt and khakis...

I was groggy as fuck and felt like I was walking through a dense fog.

So... I changed out of my dress clothes and went back to bed...

And I tried to wake up for my 8:40 class... really... I did...

Not so much did that work out...

But I made it to my 10:10...

Although... I walked in late and was stumbling about, the effects of the drug & alcohol cocktail still lingering in my blood...

But... strangely enough, no one asked any questions or looked at me twice...

Maybe it�s because the professor was acting just as drunk stupid as I was.

Only at Cornell.

later, kids...


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