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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-03-20 - 11:03

Ruining Perfectly Good Bed Sheets

My body hates me.

I truly believe that my inner thighs and my ass are planning to join together and tear themselves off of my body.

Really... I had totally forgotten how demanding work was... I mean... I hurt in places in my body that I had forgotten even existed...

Between running around the promenade in Discman for the past three nights and running around theme parks during the day, my body is not a happy camper...

Not to mention the fact that my body is really not used to the humidity... I mean... I sweat more than a stoned college student getting pulled over by the cops... It's not that I don't love dripping with sweat... but... really... it's not so cool when I'm just standing in the shade...

But... I have vowed to get back to Ithaca with some sort of a tan... even if I have to rub Crisco on my body and lay out in the sun...

Hey... I've done stranger things before...

Ok. Maybe not.

So... I haven�t so much been on top of the whole updating thing...


But... really... I�ve been wicked busy...

I mean... there is so much that I have to do, this week... so many people I have to spend time with and so many places I have to go... not to mention the whole "working" thing...

But... I am having a blast. I mean... I can�t remember the last time I was this happy... or this much in demand... I can�t even count the number of times in the past 5 days that I have been knocked over by someone running at me and jumping on top to me to be hugged...

And... no. It�s not because I�ve been drunk... it�s because it�s happened, a lot.

I mean... not that I�ve been totally sober the whole time I�ve been here... but... um...


What�s that sound...?

I think it�s a change of subject...

Ok. One quick little story before I run off to do... stuff...

So... I�d forgotten a lot of things about being in Florida... like... the little stuff...

Now... I drove 17.5 hours to get my happy ass down here... and while I was driving through Jacksonville, FL... it really hit me that I was back in Florida... back in the South...

Now... back in Ithaca... everyone and their mother has an SUV... which, unlike the preppy suburban town of Hinsdale (aka the little town with the BIG ego... where I attended high school), could be considered (almost) necessity...

Anywho... in Florida... I had forgotten about the amazing number of pick-up trucks...

I�m flying through the city of Jacksonville, going 85 in a 55 zone... and still getting passed by two-thirds of the traffic... and I see this long stretch of pick-ups, all riding each other�s asses, to get past all of the little slow cars...

But... the amusing part... as a line of 8 pick-ups passed me... 6 of them had Confederate flags displayed prominently on the car... one of those had the entire rear widow of the cab painted with the Confederate stripes.

Now... allow me to take a moment to slam Florida public schools... I mean... I went to a Florida public school in Tampa for about half a school year... and... I believe that I actually regressed in that time... I mean, I was at least a year ahead of everyone else in my class... and when I returned to Illinois, I was about 9 months behind everyone else... in Florida time, that is...

So... I mean, I know that Florida is strapped for cash and all... and I know that text books and teachers are kinda hard to come by... but... really... what kind of history books is this state buying...? I mean... I understand that the North and the South are still a little bit different in the way they teach American history and all... but... really...

The North won the Civil War.

I know that the lesson plans and some of the schools and materials are a bit worn and ghetto... but... that�s no excuse... I just don�t understand the whole obsession with the Confederate flag... I mean, I guess it�s nice and pretty... it�s really just an ornament... not so much something to worship...

Although, I guess this is all falling upon deaf ears... after all... I am surrounded by KKK country...

Which is why I don�t often leave the confines of Orange County... I figure there are enough gay bois around to protect me...

Really... think about the riot that would occurr if the KKK tried to invade Orange County...

The KKK would all be protesting... and the little gay bois would be out there protesting, too...

Although, the KKK would be protesting for white supremacy, while the gay bois would be protesting the overweight men running around and ruining perfectly good bed sheets...

Ahhh... only in Orlando...

later, kids...


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