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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-02-13 - 22:58


So... I'm a freak. I'll admit it.

I've been playing with this damned site all night long. I'm teaching myself html... which is so ironic... well... maybe more hypocritical.

Freshman year, I roomed with a computer science dork. Needless to say, me being a hotelie, him being CS... we weren't the best of friends. I was just plain mean to him, actually. He had the people skills of a chiuaua. I mean... he wasn't totally offensive to look at... but if you got close enough and he was in an odd mood, he'd yap at you. Now, at first, the yapping was just annoying... but, after a couple minutes, it just got offensive. And of course, the dog just thinks he's barking... and has very little clue that it's about the get the crap kicked out of it.

Anywho... I always made fun of him for being a big computer dork. He'd be up at all hours of the day and night, coding web pages and working on damned projects... oh... my how the tables have turned...

So... about half an hour ago, I start thinking about all of the stuff I have to do for tomorrow... and I start by going class after class... talking aloud, of course...

"Law - Reading. I'll do it after my 11:40 class.

American Asian Studies - Massive quantities of reading about the oppression of Asian Americans since the dinosaurs roamed the earth. She tells us more than we need to know. Thinking of returning my books.

Organizational Change - Reading. Easy enough... must remember advil to ease the headache and frustration from ambiguity resulting from the class structure.

Finance - Hrmm... No Clue. I didn't even go to class on Tuesday. I should figure that out."

So... I think... "Hey... I'll just look on the CourseInfo Website to look."

Too bad CourseInfo hates me. I've been trying to get into that damned website, which contains vital course materials for a number of my courses. But... when I got back to school, CourseInfo decided that I was to pay for leaving and having fun in Florida for 7 months.


Yeah. So... next I realize that I have a group presentation for Finance. Too bad I haven't spoken with my group, yet. Panic strikes. I felt like Carnie Wilson just discovered that the All-You-Care-to-Eat Buffets were outlawed in the United States... pre-stomach stapling procedure, of course.

So... Here I am... frantically calling everyone I know to... a) figure out who in the Hell is in my group for my group presentation, b) figure out how to get in contact with said people and c) figure out what the fuck I have to say!

Who says that procrastination and flightiness was a bad thing?

So... after finding out who was in my group and calling all of them and getting no answer... I end up talking to Rachel.

Rachel gets on the site, since it doesn't hate *her* and all... and she tells me that the presentation isn't until the 19th. *phew*

How much do I love panic attacks based on pure stupidity?


It's about T-minus 11 minutes until Valentine's Day.

May I just start by saying "Fuck Hallmark."

I bet *they're* all single, too.

later, kids


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