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"...life isn't a fucking romance novel... life is fucking Jerry Springer..."

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2002-04-12 - 02:19

"Enjoy the Movie, Sunshine..."

So... I think I witnessed quite possibly the most disturbing display by a human being, today.


And I used to work in housekeeping... so... I should know...

Anywho... I walk into the bathroom in the ILR school... and as I round the corner there are two urinals.

There�s a guy standing at the urinal on the left...

This urinal is a short one... well... close to the ground... for little kids to use (for those of you female readers who don�t know what I�m talking about...)

And the guy at the urinal on the right, which is at normal adult height, has just finished up and is backing away, moving towards the sinks on the opposite wall.

Now... the guy on the left, already with his horse out of the barn door, shall we say, sees the guy leaving the higher up urinal.

Penis still in hand, the guy at the kids urinal takes two side steps to his right, to use the bigger urinal.


Ok. Let me attempt to explain to the female readers who aren�t knowledgeable about the male urinals... Now... I�m not exactly sure why... but... men will generally try to seek out the highest urinal possible. There�s less chance of splattering on the pants and... well... that�s the only reason I can really think of. However, it is also the goal to not be directly next to another man, when peeing, if possible. Sometimes, if there are only two spots left, it�s a toss up between using the kiddie urinal and the adult urinal between two other men.

Anyhow... I was pretty disturbed by this display.

Especially since there was a divider between the two urinals.

Not to mention the fact that by the drips on the floor between the two, it was obvious that the man stopped peeing, mid stream, in order to switch urinals.

I mean... come on!!! Who does that?

But... as I said... I was at the ILR School... (Industrial Labor Relations, for you non-Cornell students...) and they�re all just a little bizarre, anyhow...

So... I think I should start going to class more often.

Case in point....

Today, I went to my 11:40 class... Intro to Asian American Studies...

a.k.a. Pointless Class #1

I was just not in the mood to sit around and talk about how whitey has oppressed Asian Americans since the beginning of time... and I was really dreading sitting through seventy-five minutes of her pointless rambling...

Right. So... as the responsible student that I am, I asked some girl what we did last class. I�m sure that if I cared or payed attention to her answer, I would be able to tell all of you right now... but... as I didn�t... I can�t.

So... I made a comment that I just couldn�t really sit through the class today... and she tells me we were going to be doing during the class period... I�m happy that I didn�t tune out this answer...

The girl told me that the professor was going to come in and start a video... and then she was leaving and not coming back.

I was *elated*...

But... she had started an attendance sheet.

So... I swiftly stood up to see where the sheet was.

It was on the other side of the room.

"Oh... HELL NO!" I said out loud.

I gathered all of my belongings and went to where the sheet was being signed...

I picked up some guy�s pen and started signing my name.

Some people were laughing...

As I walked out of the room, I looked at the girl I had been talking to and said...

"Enjoy the movie, sunshine..."

later, kids...


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